Jay Peak got dumped on and is packed with powder. Surprised? 📷 Jay Peak

Weekend Preview: 12/9-10

I think we all know it dumped earlier in the week. How much? Up to a foot and a half in that last storm. Here's the NWS interpolated snowfall for that event to start this Weekend Preview off.

This particular resource from the NWS uses a limited number of ground measurements as well as radar to estimate snowfall and it will almost always be lower than actually recorded on the mountains, and especially so during elevation storms like this one was. The Green Mountain Spine definitely received a foot or more, and ropes dropped like your mom at a Beatles concert (I might be dating myself here). It's good, really really good, in the northern regions, and Quebec did great in this as well from Tremblant to Le Massif.

Now I think we all know that there's a storm brewing for Sunday and Monday, so that's one issue for this weekend, but the other one is a warm up where all of that pow fell and there will be some concerns on both Saturday and Sunday with sticky snow.


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Saturday Preview