We Have a New Domain Name!

We secured snowology.com as our new domain name last week and have updated our website as of today to use this domain name instead of snowologywx.com as we had been using since March 1st. We're of course ecstatic about securing the domain name, but unfortunately this means that everyone will need to sign in to our website one more time. Here's a handy link that goes directly to the sign in page, but note that every browser you use needs to be re-authenticated.

There was some confusion after March 1st when we first changed our domain name, but the process is very straightforward. Our system doesn't use passwords, instead all you need is your email address and access to your email. Depending on which web browser you are using you may be emailed either a magic link or a numeric code that will authenticate your browser. It's super simple.

When you are browsing our website, the Sign In button is always in the upper right hand side at the top of the screen. Below are screen captures of both mobile and desktop versions of our site with a red arrow pointing to the Sign In link.

It is of course important that we start using our preferred domain name immediately and we do regret that everyone will have to sign in again as a result of this change, but that is completely unavoidable given the way that authentication works for our site.

If you have issues signing in, please email us at assistance@snowology.com and we'll assist you. Please be specific about your issue including whether you are using desktop, mobile, and if you are on mobile whether you are accessing our site through Facebook.