The ski season is winding down and we've unfortunately lost a good number of ski areas across the region especially in the warmer parts of the region, but at the same time things are winding back up with colder than average temps for a change that will halt the snow loss and a couple of clippers that will add to the snow in many areas... probably another 18" or more in some spots! There's also snow likely next weekend with an outside shot of a bigger storm forming and impacting part of the region. It ain't over folks, and you don't even need your grills and tutus to bring stoke to the party this week because snow will do that for you!
Let's start off this week with our Operating Status Tracker, but note, there are a good number of ski areas listed as open who will remain closed during at least part of the week and in some cases operations next weekend are only a definite maybe. Always check with the ski area in question before making plans!

As far as the weather goes, let's start off with the precipitation loop from the GFS covering the 7 days between Tuesday and the following Monday.

We're calling this a 'sleeper cycle' and it's going to be fantastic because we're already in the last half of March and the early warm up caused a lot of people to pack it in, which means more fresh tracks for those who haven't! Late season storms, especially the less notable ones that primarily impact the mountains should be at the top of everyone's lift for what to hit!
We are still hanging onto a little bit of hope for a storm coming Saturday, but we are likely to miss the heavier snow in our coverage area. Nevertheless, this may bring some fresh snow next weekend and make it look and feel like winter. I'll cover the Precipitation Outlook, the Temperature Outlook, and finally the Wind Outlook. I'm going to separate the Extended Range Outlook into its own weekly feature later in the week as these weekly outlooks are plenty enough for one update.