Instructions for Receiving Your Discounted Lift Ticket
In order to redeem your coupon code you MUST follow these instructions precisely as the process is slightly different from their normal online ticketing process.
Catamount Discount Code
If you experience issues with your Catamount account or with redemption on their website, please contact Catamount directly. Snowology only provides fulfillment for discount codes and does not have the ability to assist in using the codes or making purchases at participating ski areas.
After signing in click “VOUCHER REDEMPTION” in the menu. When you arrive at the Voucher Redemption page please enter the voucher code provided above and click the “LOOKUP VOUCHER” button.
3) Select the Snowology Discount Ticket and Redeem
Press the button that says "SKIOLOGY DISCOUNT TICKET" and then click the "REDEEM VOUCHER" button.
STEP #4: Assign the Guest and Redeem the Voucher
In the product screen use the drop-down-boxes to choose who will be using the ticket and the date you will be visiting. Then you can click “Redeem Voucher". The product will be added directly to your shopping cart and you can checkout from there.