Greetings Snowology subscribers, I'm Jeff Neagle from SkiEssentials up here in Stowe, VT and you may know me from our annual ski test videos that we publish every fall. We're so excited to be joining this budding community of snow enthusiasts and look forward to providing special deals starting today and throughout the winter. You can access these specials at any time by visiting the Snowology Club page.

10% Off Everything All Season Long at
First off, all Snowology subscribers can receive 10% off their entire order with SkiEssentials throughout the end of June, 2025. While that might not sound like a huge discount, the exclusivity here is that it applies to every single thing on our site and that can easily save you more than the cost of your subscription. It's typically almost impossible to find discounts on new, in-line products, especially skis, snowboards, and other hardgoods that have manufacturer pricing restrictions, so please take the 10% code and use it to your advantage!

September Special: Free DPS Phantom Base Treatment on 2025 Skis and Boards
In addition to the blanket 10% off discount, we will also be providing monthly specials to Snowology members. Please note that these monthly specials cannot be combined with the season-long 10% discount. This September, we're offering free DPS Phantom Treatment for all 2025 ski and snowboard purchases when using the coupon. Phantom is a unique product that is applied to the base of your skis or snowboard, essentially replacing the need to wax. You can continue to wax but for many of us we just apply Phantom and never think about it again, and you can't beat it being free!

We typically charge $200 for our professionally applied Phantom applications, but we're offering it for free for any 2025 skis or snowboard that you purchase from us. Snowology subscribers can use their coupon code that you can retrieve from the Snowology Club page in order to get the free base treatment through the end of the month. This special coupon cannot be combined with any others.

Once again, we're so excited to join this community and we can't wait to provide more exciting discounts throughout the season! Stay tuned for more!
-- Jeff Neagle
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